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Rethinking Learning and Teaching Spaces – physical, virtual, seamless?

17. November 2022 – 18. November 2022 – Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien

We are happy to invite you to the Seamless Learning Conference on “Rethinking Learning and Teaching Spaces – physical, virtual, seamless?” from November 17 – November 18. The event will be hosted in person at WU Vienna.

Addressing university representatives, European policy makers and other stakeholder in higher education, the event will focus on the question of how physical and virtual teaching and learning spaces can be meaningfully combined from a didactic-architectural perspective to enable seamless learning. The aim is to develop policies to enable a future-oriented design of teaching and learning spaces at HEIs. As part of this event, WU’s new Future Learning Experience Center will also be presented to an interested public.

The conference will feature a combination of presentations, workshops and panel discussions and focus on the following thematic streams:

physical L&T spaces: innovative didactic architecture, principles for learning and teachings space
virtual L&T spaces: immersive learning, augmented reality, virtual campus
FLEX: new learning experiences, interweaving physical and virtual learning and teaching environments

Invited speakers and panellists include, among others, Bernadette Dilger (Director, University of St. Gallen), Raphael Zender (Chair of Didactics of Computer Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) and Andreas Hebbel-Seeger (Professor of Media Management, Macromedia University)


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