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Help to create Communities of Practice (CoPs) and multi-institutional collaborative networks

14. Juli 2020 – 22. Juli 2020 – online

The ECIU Consortium is a group of European Universities which promotes innovative teaching and learning. One of the Consortium’s initiatives is the ColLab Project (Collaborative Platform for Teaching Innovation in Higher Education),whose main aim is to create a plattform for Communities of Practice (CoPs). The form the ColLab Platform takes, the spaces it will create, tools it will provide, the networks it will create, in short the kind of Communities we create together will depend on YOUR, our future users’, input. To this end, we kindly ask you to take the time to complete our questionnaire:

Dear Colleague,

The Technical University Hamburg (TUHH) is part of the ECIU Consortium, a group of universities which promotes innovative teaching and learning. As part of the Consortium TUHH is also one of the 5 European partners in a sub-project, called ColLab, (Collaborative Platform for Teaching. Innovation in Higher Education,,whose main aim is:

–          To create Communities of Practice (CoPs). and multi-institutional collaborative networks between higher education teachers, faculty staff, staff of Centers of teaching and learning, researchers as well as other stakeholders in a common educational endeavor: to support and enhance learning and teaching at university;

The form the ColLab Platform takes, the spaces it will create, tools it will provide, the networks it will create, in short the kind of Communities we create together will depend on YOUR, our future users’, input. To this end, we kindly ask you to take the time to complete our questionnaire.

Why take the time to answer yet another questionnaire?

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, Higher Education teachers and students alike have by necessity become much more familiar with online teaching tools and platforms. In many cases with little preparation or background for this kind of teaching and learning. In this sense, the ColLab project  could not be more timely. While ColLab’s Teaching and Learning Community Platform will not specifically be designed for that purpose, we do hope to create a platform where (at least) one of the Communities of Practice we provide a home for will have as its focus the enhancement of online teaching and learning, promoting and developing innovative, student-centred approaches also in a virtual learning environment.

In brief, the idea of ColLab, as its name suggests, is to create an online space where those engaged in teaching and learning, be it in a f2f, virtual or mixed context, can come together as a Community of Practice, or a series of Communities, to interact with colleagues, and indeed anyone interested in enhancing the quality of teaching and learning experiences in the Higher Education Area.

In order to provide our expert technical team with YOUR requisites for functional, cooperative, supportive and creative Communities, we ask you to dedicate some of those most precious resources, your time, reflections and knowledge, to completing the questionnaire which you can find at the following link:

One last favour, if you could complete the questionnaire by 22th July it would help us meet our project deadlines (something I know many of you also strive to meet!).


Thank you in advance for your cooperation and we look forward to meeting you virtually when the Platform is up and running.

In the meantime, after a challenging semester spent largely in front of the screen, we wish you a pleasant, off-line summer holiday!


Dr. Dorothea Ellinger for the ColLab Team


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