BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// TZID:Europe/Berlin X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/Berlin BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin;VALUE=DATE:20171109 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin;VALUE=DATE:20171110 DTSTAMP:20171016T092958Z URL: -curricula-working-in-international-and-joint-classrooms/ SUMMARY:Expert Workshop "Internationalisation of the Curricula: Working in International and Joint Classrooms" DESCRIPTION:So-called international and joint classrooms for discipline-spe cific as well as interdisciplinary work can significantly contribute to su ccessful and systematic curriculum internationalisation: They can be forma l learning settings in which local and educationally mobile students inter act and where cultural ‘otherness’ enriches classroom discussions. How ever\, creating such environments for intercultural interaction and change s in perspective often remains a challenge for faculty. In a similar vein\ , students generally cherish engaging with cultural diversity in the class room. Yet oftentimes a complex entanglement of both overt and covert issue s ranging from misunderstandings due to language\, culture\, and academic socialisation to stereotypes\, pressure in the face of assessment\, or ina dequate collaborative assignments influence interactions in international and joint classrooms.\n\nIn this expert workshop\, we therefore invite fac ulty\, programme coordinators\, international officers\, and curriculum de velopers of international higher education institutions to join us in ackn owledging theoretical views on international and joint classrooms and in l ooking closely at practice and hands-on approaches. Which (already existin g) concepts and tools can facilitate cross-cultural encounters on the home campus? Which role can new media and technologies play in opening new per spectives for teaching and learning? How can faculty and curriculum develo pers make stronger use of the potential of international classrooms which their varieties of perspectives and their multilingualism? How can an inte rnationalised classroom-setting draw on the diverse backgrounds of all stu dents and faculty members? How can the international or joint classroom be connected to the local community and become emblematic of a vibrant and d iverse university town? Which learning outcomes are particularly relevant in this context – and which learning scenarios and assessment methods ma y prove to be adequate?\n\nIn the morning\, three impulse talks will spark our conversations on topics related to the mission and vision and the int ernationalisation of the curriculum in higher education. During the worksh op sessions\, both newcomers to the topic and those more experienced can e ngage in discussions on practical issues. We encourage all participants to bring their questions and good practices to these workshop sessions. It i s our aim to initiate a practice-oriented discussion on the role and chall enges of working in international and joint classrooms. – Whether you pa rticipate in the workshops or are attending the impulse talks only\, we in vite you to take part in an interactive discussion space in the afternoon\ , where colleagues from the University of Göttingen as well as practition ers from other higher education institutions will share their insights and experiences with you. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/Berlin X-LIC-LOCATION:Europe/Berlin BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:20171029T020000 TZOFFSETFROM:+0200 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:CET END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE END:VCALENDAR