BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// TZID:Europe/Berlin X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/Berlin BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin;VALUE=DATE:20190724 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin;VALUE=DATE:20190727 DTSTAMP:20190114T112159Z URL: ing-university-teaching-closing-the-gaps-students-and-faculty-in-transitio n/ SUMMARY:CfP - 44th International Conference on Improving University Teachin g - “Closing the Gaps: Students and Faculty in Transition” DESCRIPTION:Changing students\, an evolving workplace\, and evidence-based pedagogical innovation are not new to the university. What is new\, howeve r\, are the pace of change and the gaps that have therefore opened between student expectations on the one hand and the realities of university inst ruction and the workplace on the other. Increasingly students arrive unpre pared for what they find on entering the university\; nor are faculty alwa ys prepared for what the students bring with them in terms of either expec tations and knowledge.\nWhy is this so? Students who have been raised in a digitized world may question the purposes of a more traditional higher ed ucation curriculum\, feel uncertain about the academic standards to which they will be held\, and thus fail to adjust to the academic culture they f ind. Faculty\, too\, may experience a gap between what they expect from st udent performance and what students are actually able to deliver\, especia lly in the first year. Academic staff often remain uncertain about how to deal with the preparedness gap. If they offer additional academic support to their students\, they risk their growing accustomed to such help\, maki ng it difficult to withdraw it during succeeding years. Yet such academic “scaffolding” can be at best temporary\, especially if we wish their u niversity studies to prepare students for the often unforgiving world of w ork that awaits them after graduation.\nHow can we best ease students’ t ransition into the world of the university and help them navigate the chal lenges they encounter? How can we help faculty to strike a better balance between academic support and maintaining academic standards? How can we fo ster a sense of common enterprise that narrows the gap between promise and performance on both sides? Over three days in Mülheim we will address th ese and related questions. Our host will be the University of Applied Scie nces Ruhr West (HRW) — a university dedicated to science and technology that will soon celebrate its tenth anniversary. Such a young institution\, born in our new millennium (like some of our incoming students)\, seems a n appropriate setting for exploring this year’s conference theme. We hop e you will join us there.\nSeven sub-themes underlie the overall conferenc e topic:\n• Research on the changing student population\n• Improving s tudent preparedness\n• Engaging first-year students\n• Implementing in stitutional change\n• The promise of participation and student-faculty c ollaboration\n• Closing the gaps in course design\n• Related innovatio ns in teaching and learning\nThe submission deadline is February 8th\, 201 9\; presenters will be notified of the decision by March 8th. (All papers to be presented at the Conference will be included in the Conference proce edings.)\nFor further information\, including the submission format for th e proposals\, please visit the IUT website\,\, where you will also find the link for proposal submissions. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/Berlin X-LIC-LOCATION:Europe/Berlin BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20190331T030000 TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0200 TZNAME:CEST END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE END:VCALENDAR